Foundation Programs

  • preserve

    Tremé HCF pledges to continually contribute to the preservation of our neighborhood’s culture. It is vitally important that events established in this neighborhood, events which are synonymous with the city of New Orleans around the world - jazz music, civil rights progress, second line culture, etc. - are well preserved with the passing of time.

  • educate

    Question: How do we best preserve the culture of a neighborhood that has experience so much change, development, and gentrification over the decades? Answer: Through the cultivation of a new breed of musicians, artists, and culture-bearers to continue flying the Tremé flag around the world. Our programs educate the city’s youth so that important traditions stay alive.

  • promote

    Programs established through the Foundation won’t only preserve, but proactively promote these cultures in the community and beyond. Teaching seminars, concerts & events, an annual children's summer camp, and multiple annual fundraising efforts will ensure continuous & impactful promotion of our cause.

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